Monday, March 3, 2008

Blog 2: Current Situation

*Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or fixed?

In the past, Korea was a developing country so there weren’t many media or technology. The major activity was that people helped out their family business such as agriculture. For free time, people, in particular children, did activities according to the season. For instance, in the winter, people would play kite, ride sleds, and skate. During the summer, many people would fish and swim. Moreover, many people read books for leisure. But at that time books were rare, so people considered books to be very precious. However, in present, people play with the media whenever they have free time. As mentioned in entry 1, most people tend to look for TV, computer, and games to spend their time instead of reading books. Opposing to this current situation, a campaign was created last year in Korea. The campaign’s goal was to establish a living room without TVs and computers but filled up with books. The purpose of the campaign was to encourage people not only to read, but to communicate with their families. Nowadays, teenagers especially wander around late until night playing and going to academies; so they have little family time and less opportunity to talk with their family. But through this campaign, it enables more family time and communication between parents and children. By that way, the children will not digress to the bad path, but the parents will be able to guide their children to the right path.
This current situation relates to Fahrenheit 451 because the situation from the book and the world is similar. In the novel, Montag’s room is filled with three TV screens and a radio. Montag’s wife, Mildred, is constantly watching and listening to the TV, so Montag and Mildred barely have a deep conversation. The only thing they really talk about is what is happening in the TV. Mildred always talks about that and Montag always listens to her. That is basically the conversation they have. So they don’t have a deeper understanding of each other, and that’s why both of them even forgot where they first met.
In Fahrenheit 451, the main character and some others coincidently encounter and read books. Then, they figure out that books are fun and valuable. As they are exposed to books, they feel the happiness and fun from literature. From this book, it conveys a message that the world also should help people to have more access to literature. They should not only encourage them to read books, but provide motivation or even rewards. For example, in our school, there is a system called Accelerated Reader (AR). Each quarter, we have a certain amount of points that we have to reach by reading books and taking AR quizzes. That is an incentive because it is part of our grades. The campaign as mentioned above had some kind of lottery so that certain people are picked for remodeling their living rooms into a library for free. Thus, I believe that people try to get more exposure to literature and should be motivated to read more through rewards and other encouragements.


Clarion said...

It's sad for me to see how many children these days don't value books. When my father was a young boy, books were quite expensive and people weren't really that wealthy, so he had to wait a month just to buy one book. Nowadays, books are so inexpensive that we could probably buy one every day if we wanted.

Even though books are so cheap, people are turning away from books because of a "technology boom." Nowadays, there are video games, music, and movies to take our minds off of books. Even I must admit that I am reading fewer books than I used to.

All in all, good job with your post. I can see that you put a lot of thought into expressing your ideas clearly. Keep up the good work.

TWIG-S said...

Bryan, I deeply agree to what you say in the entrie "Current Situation." Even though it is the different idea compared to mine, I still, highly think that this has a relationship between the book and the world.

I also had a past that I used to only play on computers. Because of technology, children, teenangers don't have chances to read books or have comversations with their parents.

These days, since I am in the dorm, I always stay in the dorm. I don't have time to have a conversation with my parents or my family which makes me sad, I also don't read books these days because I too can't forget the taste of technology.

Good posting, I am realy impressed on how you describe and express your thoughts toward a blog.

Minkyu Cha said...

When we just look out the windows of the cities of Seoul or even Daejon, all we see are PC방 and 노래방 all over the place. And we now hardly see books stores or even comic book stores since people think it is not entertaining. Instead, we like to go to PC방 and play Suddenattack with our friends instead of meeting your friends and read books. It is just natural for us to watch a movie, or just hangout with technology all around us. Who can imagine having your birthday party getting bunch of books and reading them. With no conversation at all but just in silence reading books.
But, it is very true that people now days don't value books like the people from long time ago. And I kind of understand it because I think if you read a book once, the imformation that you want to know and need to know will be gone, but in a television of a computer game, there are always something new to it.
I really like your deep thoughts and the ideas that you wrote on your blog and the contrast between the past and the present.

Sumin said...

I totally agree with you in that books are becoming scarce and technology is rising. Books were rare long time ago, it was precious. But now, it's just some decoration in the book shelf. The generation now don't even take time to read books. They are addicted to TVs, computers, and videogames. The only reason we read is because of school.
When you brought up the idea of AR being a good way to motivate people to read, in my mind I was thinking that some people read just to fill up the points and nothing more. They could just watch the movie and take the test or look up summaries in the internet. What we really have to do is make them interested in what's inside the books. If you're not interested while taking AR quizzes, you'll forget the books afterwards. But if you're interested, you will keep the books hand in hand and they will last until the rest of your life.
I think this was a great post, it made me think a lot about how precious books were and how they've become now.