Monday, March 3, 2008

Blog 3: Main Characters

*Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters of Fahrenheit 451 are Guy Montag and Captain Beatty. Guy Montag is the protagonist of the novel, and he was a fireman who had many queries. I like Guy because he is unique and different from other people in the dystopian world of Fahrenheit 451. Unlike others, Guy views things in a different point of view. He is one of the few people in the world who thinks critically and questions things about the world, in particular about literature and identity. I really like his questions such as “Do I really love Mildred?” His curiosity about things made me like him while reading the book. In addition, I like Guy’s characteristics for being adventurous and brave. I like these aspect of him because he stands up for what is right and what he believes in. Even though he knew that he was doing a dangerous and illegal action of stealing and reading books, he didn’t get intimidated. Instead, he continued to explore what literature is. I like his rebellious character in this way because he had the guts to explore something new. Guy Montag was the major character that revealed something about the universal human experience that is pertinent to the theme. He revealed the truth about curiosity. Guy revealed that curiosity is a human nature that is a strong and stubborn emotion that human beings have. Also, he revealed that nothing can beat over curiosity because it is human nature that people want to find a solution to that curiosity.
Another main character was Captain Beatty, the antagonist. Beatty was the captain of Guy Montag’s fire department. He is a very complex, narrow-minded, dictator like, and confusing character. I personally disliked this character. Beatty had extensive knowledge of books, but he detested books. I hated the way he talked to Montag. He constantly tried to persuade Montag that books are bad. He had a single belief about books, and I didn’t like that narrow-mindedness. In addition, whenever he talked, he had a sarcastic and ironic way of talking. He has a way of talking in a teasing way, which I dislike a lot. Right before he faced his death, he talked to Montag in a very sarcastic and mocking way. I also loathed this character because the character was ambiguous. I still have many questions about him. I’m not sure whether Captain Beatty wanted to die or not. It was weird that he let Montag have an extreme weapon, while he was disarmed. I don’t like if things are unclear but vague. Also I don’t understand how come he hates books while he knows a lot of knowledge from the book. I even wondered how he became the captain of the fire station if he had read numerous books before. Captain Beatty’s character trait and ambiguous existence made me feel uncomfortable with him. Meanwhile, Captain Beatty revealed a certain universal truth too. He revealed that in this world, there are certain wicked people who attempt to brainwash people and plant the wrong ideas into their minds. A great example is “child soldiers.” The captains of the child soldiers show the children the wrong idea of humanity. They brainwash the children by teaching them that killing is absolutely fine. Children watch videos of wars and massacres. Like this, Captain Beatty attempts to brainwash people in a similar way by telling others that books are bad.