Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blog 2: Current Situation

*Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or “fixed”?

When I was reading this novel, it reminded me of a current situation in the world: children soldiers. Children soldiers are used for military purposes especially in Africa. The training process of children soldiers is very harsh. Young children, even at the age of 5, are forced to be recruited into the military. The brutal military leaders train the young children; for example, they teach them how to shoot a gun. Moreover, the leaders plant wrong principles into children’s mind and eventually brainwash them to believe that killing humanbeing is totally fine. Once a child enters into this wicked world, like the picture on the right, he or she is no longer innocent. Even though the boy is carrying a teddy bear on his back in the picture, it’s just because he is still young and naive on his outside. However, his minds and thoughts are totally altered due to brainwashing. Just look at his face. He doesn’t seem to have a child-like smile, but instead has a malicious expression on his face.
So how is this current situation relevant to Lord of the Flies? The characters in the novel and the plot very well represent this current situation. In the beginning, all the characters that were stranded in the island were innocent and benevolent. However, as time passes, the children are divided into two groups as a result of a conflict between the two main characters, Ralph and Jack. Just like in the story, children soldiers did not exist before. However, as children soldiers were created, children were divided into two groups of ordinary children versus soldiers. In the story, Jack is the creator of children soldiers because he is the one who establishes his own malevolent tribe. He recruits followers, and the followers who join his group are similar to the children soldiers in the real world. The kids who become part of Jack’s gang change negatively overtime. A great example is Roger. Roger used to be an ordinary child; however, as he becomes an advocate of Jack, he becomes violent and bloodthirsty just like the child above in the photo. Every other single child except Ralph and Piggy enters the world of Jack. That is how two groups are created. Even worse, Jack’s tribe attack Ralph and Piggy.
Before I end up with explaining about how this novel is relevant, there is another current situation that links to what I just talked about in the last part of previous paragraph. I heard this situation from Miss Simpson. This event took place in Africa. One day, a teacher traveled to a certain region with his students. As he crossed the boarder of that region, a child approached the driver, or the teacher, to warn that no one can enter that area. Surprisingly, the child who had spoken to the teacher was a former student of his. The teacher was glad to see him, and instead of moving out of that place, attempted to talk to him. The students that were on the same vehicle were nervous and scarred because they knew that child became a child soldier. As the teacher refused to retreat, the soldier shot everyone. Even though they knew each other and were like a family at school, the child soldier, without hesitation, shot his friends and teacher. Like in the story, even though Jack’s tribe and Ralph’s group was once together, Jack’s tribe was determined to kill Ralph and Piggy.
The novel sheds light on how the issue of children soldiers can be resolved. In the novel, the chaos in the island ended by the rescuers. The disorder in the island could not be resolved by themselves until the rescuers came. Like what happened in the novel, children soldiers have been fighting in wars, and this situation won’t be over soon because they cannot solve the conflict within themselves. Similar to the novel, there needs to be external help in order to resolve the conflict. That external help will have to come from foreign nations. If an international agency like UN intervenes these fighting nations, then it would be possible that anarchy disappears and they gradually resume back to peace. In sum, other nations should together help to end the wars with children soldiers in places like Africa. No matter how long the war takes, it is unlikely to resolve their conflicts. Help from outside is the key to resolve the situation.