Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blog 6: Setting

*Are there any settings in the novel which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

“What’s that?”
Ralph had stopped smiling and was pointing into the lagoon. Something creamy lay among the ferny weeds.
“A stone.”
“No. A shell.”
Suddenly Piggy was a-bubble with decorous excitement.
“S’right. It’s a shell! I have seen one like that before. On someone’s back wall. A conch he called it. He used to blow it and then his mum would come. It’s ever so valuable…” (Page 14-15)

I found this setting beautiful, memorable, and meaningful because it reminded me of my past childhood memory. This setting takes place when the children in the island discover a conch. They are extremely happy and amazed of the discovery of a large shell.
First of all, I found this setting beautiful because when I visualized it, it was simply beautiful. The reason that it is stunning is not only because of where it took place, but it is also because of the children’s reaction. I could totally visualize how the setting looked like. The pure, innocent amazement in the children is beautiful because I know how it feels like when you find a new thing! I believe this excerpt took place near a sunny and clear blue lagoon. The sunny weather and sunlight flashing on the lagoon and the conch shining… That is just lovely. That setting emphasizes the beauty of the conch and the pure children's reaction, and that’s why I found the setting beautiful.
Other than the setting being beautiful, I thought the setting was memorable and meaningful. When I lived in the States in North Carolina, my parents and I once traveled to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. Myrtle Beach is one of my favorite beaches in the world and I have so many memories there. Among all the memories, this particular one is similar to the setting of this passage. The setting of the story takes place at an island, but this setting occurs near a lagoon, which is a smaller version of a beach. When I was in Myrtle Beach, just like the characters in the novel discover, I found the largest shell I’ve ever seen. The reaction that I had is very similar to how the characters in the novel react upon the conch. That is why this passage is so meaningful to me. My first reaction to the discovery of the shell was “WOW!!! This is so beautiful!” I was absolutely startled and amazed just like Piggy is in this situation. I was able to make connections with the characters. Because I reminisced of the good times at Myrtle Beach, I consider this setting very memorable and meaningful. It was good looking back at the past memories and the joy and happiness I had at the moment when I found the biggest conch in the world. Reading this passage with such memorable setting made me have nostalgia of the past. While reading this passage, I loved how I could look back at the past.


DK9302 said...

This was a great post! You described the setting in a very detailed and interesting way. Your word choice was well done .But the part that I liked the most about this post was about how you related it to yourself. Something always feels more real when we are able to relate it with an experience of our own. ANother part that really interested me was the part that made it stunning was not just the setting itself but the reaction as well. Your post was insightful.

shinyena21 said...

Bryan! I also thought this passage was beautiful, since it portrays a peaceful beach in my mind. I liked how you related the story to your memory back in your childhood. Don't you find yourself smiling when you recall some wonderful memories you've had in the past?

By reading your post, I could clearly visualize the boys curiously gazing at the conch.
Good post! :)

hnas565 said...

hey Bryan,

i liked how you related the setting to your experiences at the beach at South Carolina. The way you descriped the beach and the things that are stored in it makes it seem so beautiful and meaningful if i were to go there.

I also found it interesting that you said the setting was beautiful by the kids reaction. I clearly see that you compare the beauty of the island according to the reaction of the kids. After that, you descriped the beauty of the island by the beautiful things stored in it, like the large conch and the palm trees..

Good insightful and interesting post~!!