Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blog 4: Climax

*What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

I think the climax is when Piggy is killed. The conflict of this novel is between Ralph and Jack, who are the protagonist and antagonist. In the beginning, all the children in the island were united with Ralph being the leader. However, as the story goes on, Jack, who desires for being the chief, and Ralph continuously have bitter quarrels. Therefore, Jack ends up with creating his own tribe. As the children are divided into two groups, majority of them join Jack’s tribe, and the only people who are on Ralph’s side are Piggy and himself. The event that triggered to the climax occurs one night when Jack’s group raids Ralph’s territory in order to seek for Piggy’s glasses. Ralph is outraged by the unjust actions of Jack’s group and so Ralph and Piggy visit Jack’s tribe the next day to get the glasses back. Ralph claims that Jack is a thief and that he could’ve lent the glasses if they asked. As Jack and Ralph argue back and forth, Piggy, raises the conch, the symbol of authority and civilization, and tries to talk. As he is talking, Roger drops a boulder right on the top of Piggy, and thus, Piggy dies. The conch is crushed at the same time due to Piggy’s death. Afterwards, Jack puts a fire on the island, and his whole tribe chases after Ralph.
The moment Piggy dies is the climax because it clearly portrays the point of no return, which resolves the conflict as well. This event is the point of no return because first, it determines the throne of leadership, and second, it shows that they no longer can return to a civilized state. Since Piggy is dead, Ralph is all by himself without any followers. Ralph is alone, and that makes Jack the head chief in the island now. In addition, this event shows that the children in the island are no longer innocent or civilized. Instead, the children turned violent and corrupted, and even worse, murdered their colleagues, including Simon and Piggy, it shows that they are painted with savagery. In addition, the symbol of civilization, the conch, is destroyed. Therefore, they no longer can return back to who they used to be.
The climax of the novel made me feel extremely terrified. I could not believe how the innocent children turned into brutal, merciless, and violent ones. I still cannot believe how they could kill their former colleagues. I was surprised by how the children can change in that short time period. In addition, I was very angry with Piggy’s death. Piggy was my favorite character in the novel because I believe that he was the most naive and the smartest one in the island. As my favorite character was ‘intentionally’ killed, I felt outraged as if he were my best friend. I really wanted to yell and fight against the wicked tribe for justice. This novel was absolutely overwhelming and astonishing in a bad way. I was shocked by the fact that one can change in a short amount of time with anarchy going on.


hnas565 said...

Hey Bryan,

I disagreed with the climax you have mentioned in the post, but your well-written description of the climax has persuaded me to agree with yours. I first thought that the climax was when they raided in Ralph's and Piggy's huts, merely because they took the glasses. After the snatch of the glasses, i thought it must have been the climax because the glasses symbolized something, which was hope. The glasses was a one single object that was used to make a fire, which was able to signal passing objects and therefore, they could be resued. There was no other thing that would cause them to be rescued, except those glasses. I was thought this must have been the climax because the savaged kids took the glasses from the civilized kids. They weren't using it for the rescue, but for entire different purpose. Jack and his hunters were using it for the sake of cooking meat.

The last paragraph you have mentioned made me laugh. Not the part where you said you could not have imagined how the sinless kids would convert into brutal ones, but when you mentioned your response to Piggy's death. I thought Piggy and you would match really well together because of the almost alike characteristics you guys possess. Both of you are really smart, loyal, and civilized~! The funny part was when you mentioned yourself yell and fight for justice against Jack's tribe. I can't imagine you doing that~

Good, insightful posts~!