Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blog 3: Main Characters

*Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

There were a lot of characters that appeared in this novel, and many of them were very important in the story. When I am asked of the question about who are the main characters, the first two characters that come into my mind are the protagonist and antagonist. However, I believe there is one additional main character that cannot and mustn’t be omitted. I personally thought Piggy was the main character as well because he plays a very important role in the novel and reveals certain truth.
First of all, Ralph was the protagonist of the story. To describe Ralph in five words, I would say charismatic, persistent, optimistic, logical, and civilized. Ralph is elected as the leader in the very beginning of the story, and he plays the leader role very well. He is absolutely optimistic and ensures that they will all get rescued while some others say that they’re going to die in the island and never get rescued. In addition, Ralph remains civilized while almost every other character becomes savages. He is very planned and organized as a leader, and he sets tasks in order to get rescued. I loved the optimism and the leadership he showed. It is extremely hard to think positively in a situation where one is stranded in a never-known island, and thus I respect Ralph’s optimism in that perspective. In addition, I really liked his persistence of remaining civilized among all the negative forces that wandered around him. Most of all, I felt pity on him at the end when he sobbed in front of the rescuer. Ralph is very special in this novel because he is like the minority; not just a minority, but the good minority. He reveals that there are a few like Ralph who can resist savagery and remain civilized in such a chaotic situation.
Jack, on the other hand, was the total opposite to Ralph. To be very honest, I detested this character. Words that I choose to describe Jack are unjust, savage, violent, defiant, and cruel. He was the one who desired to become a leader. But his peers elected Ralph as their leader, which made him very upset and act defiant upon Ralph. Jack agitates other kids and plays the major force that turned everyone into barbaric children. What made me furious about him is that he had claimed that he would be in charge of taking care of fire and hunting, but he failed to do his duty. Keeping the fire on is a very important task that, they consider, is the only way to let people outside the island know their existence. However, he was so focusing on hunting that he let the fire out when a ship was passing by the island. I hate irresponsible people, and I was extremely mad at Jack when that happened. Even though Jack is a character who carried around the evil force, he plays an important role in revealing a universal truth. He exposes that every one has an inner corruptness and greediness. He also revealed the truth that such anarchy is caused by savagery.
Piggy is considered as the main character of the novel too. Frankly speaking, Piggy was my favorite character not only because of his characteristics, but also because I sympathized with him quite often. The two main traits that I liked about him are that he is wise and faithful. I think he is the most intellectual character in the novel because he is the one who helped Ralph to come up with logical plans. In addition, he was the only one who remained loyal on Ralph’s side until the end. His steadfastness made me like him. I especially sympathized with him because he was a poor character who was always picked on by his peers due to his weak and plump appearance. I really wanted to protect Piggy from being made fun of, because I once underwent a similar case due to my short height. The reason why I believe Piggy is a main character is because without Piggy, Ralph wouldn’t have been the main character. Without Piggy’s support, Ralph wouldn’t have been able to make wise decisions and perform great leadership. Piggy was the one who was always there for Ralph. The truth that Piggy reveals is the value of loyalty and persistence. Standing up for what is right is the action that Piggy portrays in the novel.